Based on the Decision Letter of Ministry of Education No 0542/0/1983, FE Unib further opened the bachelor program in Management, and in 1996 FE Unib also opened the Bachelor program for part-time study (Ekstensi) and Diploma program in Accounting (D3). In order to meet the demand of society and the related stakeholders, based on the permit of establishment No 1417/D/T/2005 FE Unib had officially launched the Bachelor program in Accounting.
To further comply the needs of human resource in various sectors of businesses and economics, FE Unib had opened several Graduate programs. In 1999, Master of Management program (MM) had been opened. In 2006, the graduate program of Master of Economic Development had been launched. In 2011, it was followed by the launching of Master of Accounting program. Meanwhile, in 2013 and 2014, the Doctoral program in Management and Doctoral program in Economics had been launched respectively (based on the Decision Letter of Ministry of Education and Culture No 496/E/O/2013 and based on Decision Letter No 461/E/O/2014). Briefly, until 2017, FE Unib has managed as many as three Bachelor programs in Economics, Management and Accounting, one Diploma program in Accounting, three Graduate programs in Economics, Management and Accounting, and two Doctorate programs in Management and Economics.
On 24 May 2013, Ministry of Education and Culture released a Minister Regulation No 63 regarding the Organization and Corporate Governance of the University of Bengkulu. Therefore, the name of Faculty of Economics had been changed to Faculty of Economics and Business (Hereinafter written as FEB Unib).
The development of FEB Unib and the improvement of services to the multi-stakeholders from 1982 to 2014 have been in line with the vision, missions and targets of the FEB Unib. Vision, mission and targets of FEB Unib are formulated realistically and forward-looking oriented. A number of workshops in order to formulate the vision, missions were conducted in 2006 and had been revised in 2010. The formulation of vision, mission and the targets of FEB Unib were based on the needs and expectation of stakeholders. The leader of FEB Unib had been socializing the vision-missions to all lecturers, staff, students and other stakeholders. Besides, the formulation of vision, mission and the targets were referred to the vision, missions and the target of the University of Bengkulu as the main institution.